Our Philosophy
Our Vision
CASS Family Day Care provides a safe, caring, inclusive, happy and fun environment for children to play, learn and develop. Children are provided opportunities to discover and learn about themselves, and build connections and experiences with their peers and others in the community.
Our Mission
CASS Family Day Care recognises the uniqueness of each child and commit to respect and maintain the rights and dignity of children. We believe play is essential for individual child’s learning, development and wellbeing, and the importance to create new learning opportunities for children to prepare them for the next stage of education. We value the partnership with families and other stakeholders in the community, and strive to provide high quality care within a safe environment that embraces diversity.
Our Philosophy
Our Philosophy is based on the National Quality Frameworks. We believe in reflecting critically on our services against the 7 quality areas in the National Quality Standard (NQS) and the Principles, Practices and Learning Outcomes of ‘Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (EYLF)’ and ‘My Time Our Place: Framework for School Age Care in Australia (MTOP)’. Listening to our children and families is an utmost important element for us to build an inspirational environment that are suited to their needs.
Our beliefs
Listen to children. Include their voices and ideas into our services and programs. Empower them to participate in making decisions and identify their individual strengths and interests.
Provide educational programs that consider the different abilities and strengths of children.
Acknowledge diversity and differences. Respect each child or family’s own values, culture, beliefs, abilities and language. Share traditions with respect and appreciation.
Provide a warm and inviting atmosphere within a stimulating environment for children’s learning, and supports their health, safety and wellbeing.
Encourage families’ participation and contribution. Work in partnership with them to improve the development, wellbeing and educational outcomes of children.
Acknowledge and honour the First Nations of Australia, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, on their unique cultural and spiritual connection to this land.
Build strong community partnerships and deliver meaningful programs that connect children and families with the community.
Educate children to take an active role in caring for the environment and contribute to a sustainable future.
Commit to ethical practices and professional teamwork where staff value and respect the sector’s expectations and one another.
Provide ongoing professional development for staff to enhance their knowledge and skills.
Build strong leadership to support and sustain the quality of our services and create a positive environment for staff and children.
Reflect critically on our services and practices as part of continuous quality improvement.​
Our Pledge
CASS Family Day Care is committed to providing a safe environment for children and young people, and we understand our responsibilities and statutory duty of care to comply with the Child Safe Standards.