Our Philosohpy
CASS Vision
CASS has a vision of providing high quality services for people of all ages, from newborn to late life – always the first choice of service users and their family members. The following philosophy applies to Child Care Services of CASS Care Limited with such a vision as the backbone.
CFDC Philosophy
Our Philosophy is underpinned by the Principles of the NQF. We believe the quality of the service we provide is enhanced with the consistent application of the 7 quality areas in the National Quality Standard (NQS) and the Principles, Practices and Outcomes of the EYLF and MTOP.
We believe that
The first 5 years of a child’s life are critical to children’s learning and development and form the foundation of lifelong growth
High quality educators will inspire learning with intentional teaching that is open and responsive to the need for change with children’s natural curiosity, understanding and fascination
Children have the right to feel safe, secure, supported and to be acknowledged for their individuality and agency. They are competent and capable learners and they will be empowered to participate in making decisions.
By providing a warm and inviting atmosphere within a caring, secure, safe and stimulating indoor and outdoor environment, the individual strengths and interests of each child, family and staff member are valued and encouraged.
Being a member of a diverse community, we have a responsibility to our children and families to establish and maintain a sense of belonging to the local, national and international community.
The child’s first language is critical to their identity. Our educators help children to maintain their home language, help the children value their culture and heritage, which contributes to a positive self-concept.
Children develop to their full potential as competent and confident learners when provided with rich play opportunities, encouraged to think, act and create.
Providing an accepting environment that promotes the children’s and staff’s personal growth and develops their positive self-esteem and confidence is important.
Children learn best through play and we are committed to delivering engaging learning environment which inspire, challenge and nurture children.
The invaluable and authentic opportunities for children to learn from each other in the mixed age group settings (0-12 years old) of Family Day Care and we value curriculum decision making which embraces each child’s agency, needs and interests.
The family is the most important and powerful influence on children’s learning and behaviour. Supporting and developing partnerships with families and the local community, is vital to the nurturing and care of young children.
The value inclusive practice and build capacity through consultation with respected early intervention specialists, working within our unique community of program and externally with Inclusion Support Services.
We recognise
The First Nations of Australia, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of knowing and understanding enrich our learning experiences as we honour their unique cultural and spiritual connection to this land.
Our educators as individuals respect the knowledge, skill, training and experience they bring to their role.
The importance of providing opportunities for further professional development within a dynamic industry.
Our educators play an important role in supporting families and sharing the child’s learning and development. We build strong partnerships with families based on trust, and open and respectful communication.
The importance of respecting and honouring diversity and celebrating differences in others, as well as acknowledging, accepting and reflecting each person and their family’s values, culture, beliefs, abilities and language in all aspects of the learning environment.
The important that we celebrate our commitment to continuous improvement, strengths-based advocacy and best practices in our everyday interaction, practices and programs, Critical reflection is embedded in our regular mentoring visits and individual development and learning plans, whilst facilitated play sessions provide opportunities to model best practice, acknowledge educator and child strengths and build educator network and peer-to-peer support.
The importance to take an active role in caring for its environment and contribute to a sustainable future.
We provide
The flexibility that Family Day Care can offer families, extended hours and weekend care, routines excursions offer families a model of education and care which meets all their needs and, in turn, earns their respect, gratitude and loyalty.
Children with opportunities to discover and learn about themselves, their peers and the environment in an atmosphere that encourages harmonious and meaningful life enhancing relationships.
Experiences and approaches that reflect and celebrate cultural competency, acceptance, respect and compassion for all people.
Opportunities for each family to participate in the service community, welcoming and supporting their interest and involvement.
Our Pledge
CASS Child Care Service is committed to providing a safe environment for children and young people, and we understand our responsibilities and statutory duty of care to comply with the Child Safe Standards.